Speeding Update: March 2018
Getting up to speed with the story so far…..
November 2014 - HRA circulates questionnaire to shed light on traffic concerns raised by residents. Reply numbers were low and results were in conclusive.
July 2015 HRA AGM residents raise traffic issues/concerns again so a petition to the council to take action was created & circulated to all residents, over 300 signatures were received.
2016 - Amanda Holly, on behalf of HRA, held meetings during 2016 at her home rallying local councilors and prepared a comprehensive ‘case study’.
2017 - This was presented with the petition to Chipping Barnet Residents Forum at Barnet Library, March 2017.
2017 - Our case was escalated to Chipping Barnet Area Committee, at Hendon Town Hall in June 2017. Amanda presented our case again and won £1,500 to pay for survey costs, installation of Data Capture Speeding Cables and an on site Highways Officer meeting to walk through residents’ concerns.
March 2018 Consultation Letter, Council Meeting & HRA Update:
Following our last meeting and the data captured from the speeding cables, the Council Highways Dept. delivered a report with suggested solutions to all residents for a consultation process.
Their recommendations were disappointing, particularly the suggested ‘informal crossing’ at the Memorial Hall which would have an adverse impact on the limited parking along the Highstone.
HRA objected to the scheme in writing, and contacted our Councillors David Longstaff and Wendy Prentice who called for an emergency meeting on site at the hall with the Council Highways Dept. The Council are now clearly aware of residents’ views and have agreed to reconsider the options.
In the meantime, the Council have also cautioned Metroline and TFL to reduce the speed of buses and this will be escalated if not adhered to.
It’s been a long journey, however we believe we can achieve a solution and HRA will continue to work with the Council to build on the work already invested and stay on top of this important local issue.
To stay right up-to-date, register your email at: contactus@hadleyresidents.org
July 2017
The Council Highways Site Visit Report :
A site visit was undertaken with the lead petitioners Amanda Holly & Mark Temple HRA members & residents.
A synopsis of the report is below. For the full report please go to the Council website here:
· Traffic travelling south on Barnet Road towards Hadley Highstone, appears not to observe the speed limit change from 40mph to 30mph;
· Signage informing drivers that they were no longer in Hertfordshire but were now in London Borough of Barnet was in poor repair;
· A vehicles was observed ignoring the ‘NO ENTRY’ Road markings on Kitts End Road.
· There is a central reservation used as a crossing point by pedestrians especially outside the Memorial Hall.
· Road markings at the junction of Hadley Green Road where it meets Dury Road are misleading.
· Traffic is vigorous and free flowing especially the morning and afternoon peaks.
· There is a fixed speed camera on Barnet Road south of the borough boundary with Hertfordshire
The suggestions to resolve these issues are at point 1.10 :
The initial investigations and the site visit indicated that overall it would benefit pedestrians to:
· Install a ‘Gateway’ telling drivers they were now in the London Borough of Barnet and that Hadley Highstone welcomed careful drivers.
· Dragons teeth road markings at the boundary to emphasise the speed limit;
· Additional ‘SLOW’ road markings along Barnet Road and Hadley Highstone;
· Install a pedestrian crossing point outside the Memorial Hall with dropped kerbs and tactile paving and utilising part of the central reservation as a pedestrian refuge also with tactile paving flush with the carriageway;
· Additional sign and post at Kitts End Road emphasising the ‘NO ENTRY’ road marking;
· Formalise the junction road markings on Hadley Green Road where it meets Dury Road
Highways believe this will cost £12,000 and can be implemented in the next financial budget 2017-2018.
HRA meet with Council on 20 MPH zone
March 2017
The Council meeting was held at Barnet library on 22nd March at 7pm.
Amanda Holly and Mark Temple, presented to the Council on behalf of the HRA together with a Q&A with the residents who attneded. The Council decided there was enough merit in our case to take it to the next Council Forum on
The Council meeting was held at Barnet library on 22nd March at 7pm.
Amanda Holly and Mark Temple, presented to the Council on behalf of the HRA together with a Q&A with the residents who attended. The Council decided there was enough merit in our case to take it to the next Council Forum on
Dangerous junctions are Dury Road and Sydney Chapman Way both ends

20 MPH zones spread across the nation.
The Times, 8th October 2016
The Times newspaper has just written a very timely article outlining the support across the nation for lowering speed limits in highly populated areas such as ours.
This concurs with the HRA sub committee's belief that a 20mph zone will be the most viable option in our aim to reduce speed along our Highstone and The Green.
We must make Barnet Council aware of the continued increase of speed we experience and to do this we need to show our support and concerns by signing the petition we have created.
The Times newspaper has just written a very timely article outlining the support across the nation for lowering speed limits in highly populated areas such as ours.
This concurs with the HRA sub committee's belief that a 20mph zone will be the most viable option in our aim to reduce speed along our Highstone and The Green.
We must make Barnet Council aware of the continued increase of speed we experience and to do this we need to show our support and concerns by signing the petition we have created.
The petition form will be delivered with the Autumn Newsletter. Every member of the household can sign. Its a "per person signature" that counts. If you can hand deliver back to our HRA member, no. 31 HH. If not pop in the post box using the Freepost envelope provided.
Or you can register and confirm your support HERE....
By January 2017, we will collate the petition and formally submit to the Mayor of Barnet, and supporter of our campaign, Cllr David Longstaff.
Update - April 2016

Speeding Research & Consultation with Councillors - July 2016
A sub commitee group of HRA has been set up to continue the work on speeding along The Highstone and The Green. This group has met again with Councillor Wendy Prentice and also Councillor David Longstaff. Both meetings were very positive and they are both working with us to help get something implemented.
After much research and subsequent meetings, we realise that a 20mph zone will be our most successful option. Unfortunately Speed Cameras we have found are too costly. And many decision makers are involved from the Police, the Council and TFL. A similar situation applies to having a roundabout installed. It would take a long and arduous journey to get to either of these options and we are advised it is very unlikely we would get a positive result.
But reducing the road speed to 20mph is a viable and quicker solution and has been proven to have an impact on road safety. It still will take more than a year - perhaps 2 years - to implement but we have a stronge chance of seeing this through.
So we are putting together a petition that we can present to both Cllr Prentice and Cllr Longstaff which they too believe will strengthen our position.
We will be updating again in the the coming weeks on how to support our campaign and get your signatures on the petition.
The Results - May 2015
Thank you all who filled in the short survey. (now closed) The results were very useful and a chart will follow, but in short the majority were in favour of slowing the traffic. If possible by either a mini roudabout neary Dury Lane or a speeding camera.
We subsequetnly had a meeting with local councillor, Wendy Prentice who 's experience and knowledge of our community is invaluable. We discussed many ideas and with her help, indeed without her it could not have happened, a flashing slow down sign has been installed by Long Cottage. It is a tremendous first step into reducing speed and making drivers aware they are approaching our neighbourhood. We shall monitor its affects!