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The London Mayor's Outer London Fund


All  who use Barnet High Street will have noticed and hopefully enjoyed the changes brought about by the use of the money from the Mayor of London’s Outer London Fund.  A lot of very hard work and long hours went into the planning and execution of the changes by the Town Team including our Chairman, Derek Sagar.  Our thanks go to them all.

The High Street has been “de-cluttered” by the removal of redundant barriers and street furniture;  21 trees have been planted;  beautiful hanging baskets full of flowers have, during the summer months, been prominent above the pavements;  seats all along the High Street provide resting places for weary shoppers;  several shops have had their frontages upgraded and brightened;  new litter bins have been installed.

Perhaps  most notceably of all the garden in front of St John's Church at the end of the High Street has been opened up.  Church Passage has been widened and seating provided.  Tthe intention is to make the whole area look more inviting and welcoming to Chipping Barnet.

The Monk (formerley The Monken Holt) made its own improvements and now serves great pub food and entertainment most nights.


Below: Flairline's new look facia this year...

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